Strong Password Generator

Password Length
Include Lower Case Letters
Include Upper Case Letters
Include Numbers
Include Special Chars
Begin with a Letter

What does this tool do?

Often times people use really simple and weak passwords. Such passwords or lock patterns can be easily guessed or cracked with the help of software. Such incidents can result in stealing of your sensitive and personal data. One must not be lazy when it comes to the use of strong passwords. Be sure that your password is totally random and does not contain anything guessable.

TechWelkin Strong Password Generator helps you in getting a strong hash string that could be used as a password. This tool gives you options to create strong password with lower case alphabets, upper case alphabets, numbers and special characters. You can a build solid password by selecting any set of these characters. Also, this tool allows you to select the length of password because not all applications accept same password lengths. Some require the password to be of a certain minimum length and the others won't allow a longer password than a certain limit. Whatever is the case, with this tool you can easily create a strong password that will fulfill these conditions.

If you do not like the password offered by this tool, you can click on the button to get more choices.

Please note that we do not store or know any password you generate. This tool generates a random hash and the hash is destroyed as soon as displayed to you.

It is recommended that your password should contain at least 8 characters of mixed type (i.e. a mix of letters, numbers and special characters). It is also a good idea not to keep just one password for everything. Use different passwords for different accounts. Parents should also educate their children about online safety and advise them to use strong passwords. Accounts of unsuspecting people often get hacked because they click on malicious links. You should know how to recognize bad links in order to keep your online accounts safe.