Percentage Calculator

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What is % of

What is percentage?

"Percent" literally means "per hundred" or "for every one hundred". The term "percent" is derived from Lantin language phrase per centum which means "by the hundred". Percentage is a convenient way to show a fraction with denomination 100. So, percentage actually shows a number out of hundred. We all know that in exams, full marks are often given as 100. If someone scores 74 marks in the exam, we say that the person has scored 74% or "74 out of 100" marks. This means 74/100 or 0.74 in decimal form. Percentage is denoted by the "%" sign and sometimes by abbreviations "pct" or "pc". Learn more about percentage

How to calculate percentage of the whole?

To understand how to calculate a specific percentage of the "whole", let's take an example. Let's say that the market price of an item is $30 and a store is giving 8% discount on it. So, how much would you have to pay? To get answer, first we will need to calculate 8% of 30.

Discount percentage calculation formula image

Sale price calculation formula image

  • The whole (i.e. 100%) is 30. So, 30 = 100%
  • When we divide the whole with 100, we get one hundred equal pieces of the whole. That is, by doing 30/100, we will get 0.30
  • This 0.30 is 1% of the whole. We are sure that you know what to do next!
  • If 1% = 0.30
  • Then 8% = 0.30 x 8 = 2.4
  • So, you will get a discount of $2.4 on that item of $30 price tag. This amount will be deducted from the whole price. And you will have to pay just 30 - 2.4 = 27.6 dollars

What is the Formula to Calculate Percentage?

To summerize it all, now let's look at the formula to calculate percentage:

Result = %age x number / 100