Tagging is perhaps one of the most irritating and yet the best features of Facebook at the same time. If used properly, it is a great feature. But then how many of your friends know when to use tagging and when not?
Someone should be tagged in a photo, post, link or video etc. only if that person has some connection with that material. Sometime tagging could be done just to draw attention, but if it is overdone, it would only create nuisance for the person who is being tagged all the time.
The worst aspect of tagging is that the tagged material begins to show on your wall. If you have a few hundred or more friends –your wall, in all likelihood, would be found flooded with tagged material only. Your own updates, photos posted by you –all that will be nowhere to be seen.
Thankfully, now Facebook has a mechanism that can stop tagged material from being shown on your wall.
This mechanism is called Profile Review. If you switch on a particular privacy setting and all the tagged material will go to a separate place and shall wait for your review. The material will begin to appear on your wall only if you allow it to appear.
In order to activate reviewing of tagged photos and posts, go to your Facebook Settings
Now go to “Timeline and Tagging” and then click on the Edit link given against “Who can add things to my timeline?” Set it to “Only me”

Facebook Timeline and Tagging Settings.
Activate the Timeline review option by Editing the “Review posts that friends tag you in before they appear on your Timeline?”
Now the tagged photos and posts etc. will no longer directly appear on your FB Wall but wait for clearance from you. These settings help you keeping your Timeline clean and visitors of your Timeline will get to see more of your own updates.
I hop this was useful for you. Please feel free to ask if you have any questions on this topic. I will be happy to try and help you. Thank you for using TechWelkin.
Thanks for this tip. Very helpful.
Helpful info… thanks!!