Sometimes, I receive phone calls from unknown mobile numbers that neither I nor does my cellphone recognize. In such cases I often wished if I could find details (like caller’s name and location) of the phone number. If I happen to miss the call then it becomes a bit difficult decision whether to return the call. The dilemma gets enhanced also because the unknown number could as well be a wrong number and also it could that be of a nagging tele-caller. Very routinely, we all face this problem of unknown phone numbers. In such times, TrueCaller service comes as a great respite. Using TrueCaller, you can easily trace any mobile number and put a name to an unknown mobile phone number number.
Recently, Kari Krishnamurthy, Truecaller’s vice-president of growth & partnerships in Asia, Middle East & Africa, said that “over half of our 70 million users are in India, and we are adding 110,000 users a day here”. So, you can imagine how popular this app is in India.
Trust me, this is extremely useful if someone is trying to harass you by making unsolicited, unwanted and/or blank calls. Faced with such anti-social elements, people often wish if they could find the details of phone number that is being used by the offender. TrueCaller mobile app and website are probably the quickest and best way to determine the ownership of such unknown phone numbers. In this article, I will talk about the features of TrueCaller service, but let’s first understand how this service works.
How to Find Details of Unknown Numbers using TrueCaller
TrueCaller essentially relies on the massive community of mobile phone users. It is arguably the largest of such communities. You can consider it as a huge telephone directory.
If you install TrueCaller app on your mobile phone, the app will pick up contact details from your phonebook and integrate the details in a global database managed by the service. In the same fashion, the app collects information from millions of users. As a result, the database becomes really fat.
So, TrueCaller works on the lines “if your phonebook does not have a number —someone else’s phonebook may have it!”
Isn’t it a simple idea… power of unity?!
This database of mobile phone numbers is freely searchable by anyone through TrueCaller app or through TrueCaller website.
- Go to the TrueCaller website
- Now you would need to sign-in. The website will give you the following options to do login:
- Google account
- Microsoft account
- Facebook account
- Yahoo! account
- Enter the phone number for which you want to find the caller details.Website will automatically detect your country and country code. If, by chance, the code is wrong, you can select the country code from the drop-down list.
- Click on the Search button.
- TrueCaller will wade through the database and show you all the details that it will find for the given phone number. For example, see the following image:

TrueCaller gives you details of a given phone number. It provides name, address, country of the caller.
How to download TrueCaller App
The TrueCaller app is available for all the major mobile platforms. Symbian (old Nokia phones), Android, Windows Phone, BlackBerry and Apple iOS —this app is available on the respective stores of these operating systems. Just search for “truecaller” in the store, download the app and install it.

Interface of TrueCaller website homepage as on 11 August 2014.
If you’re using a phone with older operating systems, like Symbian and Nokia Series 40, you can download app from the TrueCaller website.
Major Features of TrueCaller App
- It is totally free lookup service for mobile phone numbers.
- The app automatically searches its database to identify an incoming call when it does not find a match in your phonebook.
- It enables you to reject a call if you’re not interested in talking to the calling person.
- App enables you to easily populate and enrich your phonebook by giving you the option of connecting your phonebook contacts with their social media profiles. The app then fetches photos and other details from social media sites into your phonebook.
- TrueCaller app mostly returns useful information on the phone number provided.
- You can also use the TrueCaller website to lookup phone numbers online. You’ll need to sign-in using your Google+, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn or Yahoo account. Once signed in, you can make as many searches as you want.
- Truecaller app allows you to block calls. You can specifies phone numbers from which you do not want to receive calls. The app will shield you from such irritating calls as tele-marketers and other harassers.
- The app can locate details of land line (aka fixed line) phone numbers as well!… and details of the pre-paid card numbers too!
- It doesn’t matter where the caller is located. The TrueCaller directory is global and therefore it can give you details of even the foreign phone numbers.
Let’s now watch the official video introduction of TrueCaller. This YouTube video explains how to install Truecaller, how it works and its main features:
Reasons and Benefits of Using TrueCaller
In today’s chaotic world, you will find lots of reasons as to why you want to use a service like TrueCaller. A friend of mine recently complained that she was getting missed and blank calls from a particular mobile number. The caller was making tens of calls everyday. When my friend picked the call or called back, no one would speak up from the other side! Such harassment!
In the days of fixed line phone, we used to have telephone directories which we could look up after getting the caller’s number from Caller Line Identification Presentation (CLIP) service. These thick paper directories used to have name and address of the fixed line owners. So, it was easy to nab a trouble-maker.
But in the era of mobile phones, we do not have such directories. It is tough to find as to who owns a given mobile number. This presents an ideal playground for those who have nothing better to do than causing problems for others. On top of this, mobile numbers keep on changing hands. As a result probability of getting wrong number calls also increases. Then we have our dear tele-callers who will try to sell us anything from loans to insurance to what not.
TrueCaller is a precious service in such a scenario. It provides you with some degree of control on how to handle unwanted calls. Yes, it uploads your contact book also into its database —but then they keep it safe and also allow you to edit your details. TrueCaller works with the power of masses. Everyone contributes for the benefit of everyone else. If you’re not up to anything mischievous, then you should not worry about your number going into the database of TrueCaller.
A global service of the nature of TrueCaller is very important because tech-savvy harassers can easily guise their phone numbers and make it look as though the call is originating from a foreign country. They can also play a great number of other tricks. TrueCaller empowers us, the common users, by sharing real information about phone numbers.
Interesting facts / trivia about TrueCaller
- It was developed by True Software Scandinavia AB.
- The company released the first version of TrueCaller on 12 December 2012 (12/12/12)
- Recently, Truecaller received a $18.8 million from Sequoia Capital for further development.
- TrueCaller is available in more than 35 languages. (in Sept 2014)
- At present, TrueCaller can be installed on Truecaller is available for Android, Apple iPhone, RIM BlackBerry, Nokia Symbian, Windows Phone 7, and Windows Phone 8
- This app is being used by over 10 million users.
So, go ahead and install TrueCaller app on your mobile phone. This will help you find details of the unknown mobile and landline phone numbers. I hope it was useful information for you. Please feel free to ask if you have any questions. Thank you for using TechWelkin.
Can i check my call logs in my PC i have true caller app in my phone
Hi Lalit,
I’m not able to find the reason why any unknown number, who has given me missed call is flashing under contacts. This is when I searched in truecaller.
There was no call history neither message exchange on this number in past. Only one miss call can make that number to flash under contact?
Can you please help if you have any information regarding this.
how to change name in true callar data bace
how to know the location/ city of the mobile number
some unknown numbers are not recognised why?
If Truecaller does not recognize a number, most probably it would be a new number and not stored in the phone books of any of the Truecaller users.
Great article. I have been using Truecaller app since 2014. This app helped me a lot on fake calls. No doubt this app provides great service on finding and tracing unknown calls, name address and locations.
Truecaller Is Very Important And Very Useful To Search Number
Hello Sri Lalit Kumar, I have a samsung android phone which I rarely use. Most of the time, I keep it switched off. I am having it, since its possession has become mandatory for several government transactions. Also, as an old man (80 years plus) I don’t move about frequently and so mobile phone is superfluous for me. My landline is more than enough for me. However, when I do keep it on, I get a sizable number of calls, whose origin I do not know. Can you kindly suggest to me as to how I can download the ‘truecaller’ app on my PC using windows 10 OS. I would be obliged for a reply through email.
Dear Sir, Truecaller is a mobile app. It is not meant for PC. You should download and install it on your mobile phone.
This link can be used to find numbers over PC. However, you would need to sign in using an existing account either of gmail/facebook or the like.
Hi Lalit,
First of all I want to thank you for this article. I am a new android user and got many unknown number miss call from many numbers.
But truecaller helps me a lot to figure out that caller name. Thanks for sharing it.
Keep updating.
How can i change the name that appears to my callers
Thank you
For this we have published an article, here:
It’s the best to know the details of unknown callers. Also one can retrieve lost contacts from the phone and get everything back to the screen. On this note it’s one of the best app discovered.
I want to get phone number of a friend whom I know by name but don’t have their number. could Truecaller help?
Some one called me at my mobile no through true coller. True coller identified me as a real estate agents.I am a senior retired officer and take exception of being called as REAL ESTATE AGENT.
I checked up from Airtel customer care and was informed that the Airtel has not given me the above name.
TechWelkin does not own or operate Truecaller. We are afraid that you will have to take your objection to the company that owns Truecaller. We have published an article as to how one can change wrong information shown by Truecaller. You may read it and do as suggested
I am trying to open the site but it not working , showing error 1007-The owner of this website ( has banned your IP address ( this happening ?
I received a call from unknown caller. The true caller doesn’t recognize the user but when i check with M-pesa Safaricom service, i got the name. Advice why this is so?
Truecaller is good but the only problem I normally have with them is that without internet connection you cannot get the caller names and his or her details. Moreover this time the network providers are too increasing their connectivity especially MTN Ghana.
Truecaller is displaying my name as Senior Criminal Ajay Kanda Instead of Senior criminal Lawyer Ajay Kanda which is Harming me Who is Responsible Please Rectify it
We do not have any control on Truecaller database and therefore we can not make any changes. However, we have published an article on how to correct a wrong name in Truecaller. You can read the article and do it yourself.
Could you please suggest an app or software that can track the phone number and location precisely?
Truecaller is most important
Hi Lalit sir, I am in trouble. I want to find the owner details (proper address and email id) of a mobile number. Please help me sir. They offer me a job and asked me to send money in advance in their SBI account. I sent money but now his phone number is switched off.
I am sorry for your situation, Shailesh. But fraudsters often do such tricks. Getting so precise details of a phone number is something that is not easy.
Lalit sir, I already download this app to my android phone. but its not working. when get started saying confirm the number and create the profile. but when I go to continue only loading. that’s it. please help.
This problem description is too generic. May be you should get a better Internet connection. Try to create profile when you’re on a wi-fi network.
it is very useful for people.
hello sir TrueCaller is not working for sometime. Search any mobile number and TrueCaller says “name not available”. What is the reason behind this?
How do you block incoming blocked ID
Just press the Block button in the incoming call popup of TrueCaller!
I have a phone number but TrueCaller didn’t show any details. This is totally disturbing me. Please Lalit, can u help me with this?
Kisholoy, TrueCaller can provides some details of unknown phone numbers. But if it not providing the desired information, only law enforcement agencies can track the phone. If somebody is troubling you, you should file a police complaint.
True caller is super
I like truecaller
TrueCaller does good job in verifying the correct caller.
TrueCaller shows wrong and my bad nick name on my number. It is cheating. Suppose, 10 persons try to inform to TrueCaller, a bad name of a girl that will affect her life. So TrueCaller is bad for society.
Hello Robin, you can go to TrueCaller website and create an account by registering your phone number. In you account you enter the name you want to display in TrueCaller. You can control what name is displayed. Don’t worry!
I am trying to get TrueCaller on my BlackBerry phone. But it is not working. Please help.
TrueCaller is available for BlackBerry. You can download it from BlackBerry World.
i like truecaller
Hi Sunny, everyone likes TrueCaller! It’s a great app for instantly knowing the details of an unknown phone number.
its very imporant and
useful information
I would like to use truecaller