Suvir Mirchandani suggested that if US government begins to use Garamond font, it will save $400 million. It may sound very obvious but it is not so straightforward. Let’s see where the flaw lies in this whole concept.

Suvir Mirchandani suggested that if US government begins to use Garamond font, it will save $400 million. It may sound very obvious but it is not so straightforward. Let’s see where the flaw lies in this whole concept.
IAMAI report states that social media campaigns can swing 3%-4% votes in the General Elections of India in 2014. The number of social media users in urban India is expected to reach 91m by the end of 2013.
Google India has released the results of a survey about the Indian political scenario. Narendra Modi is more searched for than Rahul Gandhi on Google.
Facebook has introduced the wheel icon for popping up the options menu. Also it has added a new dropdown menu called Privacy Shortcuts to make privacy options easier to access.
Sending emergency alerts through your mobile phone comes very handy when there is a mobile phone in billions of pockets around the world. It can especially help in reducing crime against women. Bharati Airtel, a mobile service provider in India, has begun such a service.
Rumors are doing round that Microsoft may acquire struggling mobile maker Nokia.
With Twitter’s support, the Do Not Track option is expected to gain popularity. Other bigwigs may also feel forced to honor Do Not Track option.
Facebook users in India woke up for a nasty surprise this morning. The website has been blocked by the government as a court trial begins against the social network and 11 other companies.
Interesting excerpts from Water Isaacson’s biographical account of Steve Jobs. Read these inspiring pieces and you’ll surely love to read the entire book!
The entire world is saddened by the death of Steve Jobs, the found of Apple Inc. People all over the globe are paying rich tributes to the tech genius.
What is the meaning of Facebook Like? Many people have been wishing for an FB Dislike button because Like button sometimes does not seem appropriate.
Printing real and usable 3D objects has now become a reality. You can give command to 3D printers to roll out anything from a nut to a fully functional car.