Are you getting missed calls from unknown international numbers like Burundi, Malawi, Nigeria, Tunisia, Russia, Belarus, Pakistan etc? Beware, it is one ring phone scam. Learn how to avoid this phone scam.

Are you getting missed calls from unknown international numbers like Burundi, Malawi, Nigeria, Tunisia, Russia, Belarus, Pakistan etc? Beware, it is one ring phone scam. Learn how to avoid this phone scam.
Email spam is a nuisance. Even the unsubscribe link / button is being used for stealing information by phishing. Be aware and be safe from such frauds.
A compilation of 25 worst passwords. These passwords are easily guessable and can be cracked by hackers without much efforts. One should never use these strings as passwords.
There are millions of computer viruses around that make our lives difficult. Ever wondered which are the most famous computer virus and worms in history? The list includes Nimda, Code Red, Mydoom, Melissa, Sasser, Blaster and others.
Use double password system on your Google account to give it added security from hackers. It is recommended especially if you use public computers.
Easy tips to protect your child from online predators. These to-the-point practical tips can help you in safeguarding your child’s life in virtual world (and in real world as well)
If you are parenting a kid hooked onto Facebook or other social networks, you should know about the dangers if these tools are not used with discretion.
It has been discovered that online social networks like Facebook do track users’ surfing tails and habits. Know more about this startling revelation.