Tattoos are nowadays a craze among younger people. Fashion of getting your body painted with tattoos is considered cool –but having tattoos on visible parts of your body may negatively affect your chances of landing a job.
Most of recruiters find visible tattoos unacceptable especially if you’re being considered for a job that involves a lot of interaction with clients or general public. Employers feel that tattoos are unsavory, abhorrent and repugnant. These body arts may make a job applicant look “dirty” in the eyes of employer.

Tattoos have negative perception in the eyes of employers as well as clients
It is also a perception that customers find a tattooed professional as “non-serious” about business and they prefer not to deal with them. General public opinion is biased on the basis of negative portrayal of tattooed people as drug addicts and thugs in movies. Therefore, tattoos may spark, howsoever unfounded, a feeling of bad service experience in customers’ mind.
Some tattoos are more unacceptable than others. So, if you cannot go without visible tattoos –at least try to strike a balance by not getting tattooed with things like skull, death, demons, evil, dragon, spider web or anything related with nadir-world or world of lawless.
Instead of above mentioned categories of tattoos –flowers, leaves, butterflies, military insignia etc. are seen more favorably by some organizations.
That is all said, if you are seriously looking for a job, it is highly recommended to avoid tattoos of any kind on visible parts of your body. It is always better to go for removable / erasable tattoos as you can get rid of them as and when required.
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