Every now and then we need to post advertisements of various sorts. Be it for selling something, offering some services, buying a product, looking for a partner, finding rental properties or for whatever reasons under the sun —advertisement are important to send the message across. But publishing ads costs and for an individual it is not always possible to pay for an advertisement. That is where Free Classified Ad companies come in picture. Today, I will write about the top 10 of the best and free classified sites in India.

There are lots of online free classified ad services. But I have brought only the best 10 for you.
Yellow Pages have been around for decades. Companies publishing thick Yellow Pages printed directories used to invite people to publish their ads free of cost. But now, because we are in digital era, various websites have taken the same work upon themselves. But which of these websites are best among the lot? To help save your time, I am giving you a list of 10 best free classified ad websites available in India.
Request: Please do not put links of your free classified websites in comments. Such comments will not be published. If you have a website with Alexa Rank of less than 80,000 then you may put your link in comments. I will visit the website and take a decision on whether to publish your website in the following list. Thank you!
1. OLX
If you want to sell anything (from old cars to laptop or tablet to clothes to anything else!) you can go to OLX. Because of their big promotional campaign on TV, radio and newspapers —almost everyone knows about OLX in India. You can post ads free of cost to sell the items that you no longer need. Buyers can browser through the ads and they will be able to contact you if they find your offer interesting. OLX also has a popular mobile app.
2. Quikr
Quikr is also very popular. This is one of the older companies in India which entered free online classified ad business and made it big. They invite you to sell your used items and also you can post ads on anything else (like offering services, matrimonial etc.). You can sell off your old electronic devices, old mobile phones, or even those dusty classic books that you may or may not have read! Internet can really help you in making some money.
3. Click.in
In addition to regular buy-n-sell stuff, this website provides a section on jobs. You can post your resume (aka CV) and also browse through the available vacancies. Go ahead! a suitable job is waiting for you just round the corner!
4. Sulekha
This website is also among the older efforts of creating free classified online ad portal. Sulekha is pretty liberal in terms of categories of ads that it accepts; but it does not seem to accept matrimonial ads.
5. Craiglist
It’s an international player. Craiglist operates in more than 50 countries and I have personally noticed that in the UK, US and Canada; Craiglist is extremely popular. Now, they have created the India chapter of this website and it covers all major Indian cities. You can post ads for selling goods, services, property and jobs etc.
6. Clickooz
Clickooz allows you to post free ads to buy and sell flats, electronic items, mobile phones, garments, cars, services etc. They provide separate sub-domains for each states in India. Almost all the traffic on this website comes from within India.
7. Locanto
Provides free classified ads for community, events, rental, jobs, personals, pets, real estate and vehicles etc.
8. KhojLe
Khoj Le (Hindi for “do search”) advertises itself with the punchline “Deal directly”. They have organized free ads in the categories like Jobs, Education, Electronics, Property, Mobiles, Services, Matrimony, Vehicles and Everything Else
9. VivaStreet
With over one hundred thousand free advertisements already posted on it, VivaStreet is a high traffic website. Lots of people come here looking for ads that may suit their requirements.
10. Jagran Classifieds
This website is part of the big Jagran.com Hindi news portal. They allow you to put your ads online free of cost. What’s more? You can even publish your ads in the Dainik Jagran newspaper. That also free of cost! They accept ads both in Hindi and English. You can type your ad in Hindi and go the Jagran portal to publish it.
A part of the BharatMatrimony group, this website is not as popular as the above mentioned five websites, but it does provide similar facilities. In addition to free ads, you can post premium ads as well by paying a fee.
Update (7 October 2015): IndiaList has not been updated for last one year. The latest ad on this website was posted on 27 August 2014. Moreover, the TechWelkin readers have reported that users are no longer able to post classified ads on this website. As a result, I am shifting IndiaList to the bottom of the list of best and free classified ad websites.
In India, there are hundreds of websites out there that offer to post your classified ad for free. But I have chosen only top 10 of the best sites and shared with you. Allow me to say that it is not really worth making efforts to register and post ads on websites that do not have enough visitors. So, I am sure that the above list will help you in making decision on where you should post your ad. Now that these services are free, there is no harm in posting an ad on all of the above mentioned websites!
If you know any other relevant website that you think should be there in this list, please let me know through comments.
I wish you success with your classified advertisement. Please let me know if you have any questions or suggestions.
Can anyone says which are the best websites to publish “Job Vacancies” and get immediate feedbacks out of these 10 listed websites.
interesting list to post free classifieds.
Your article is very nice…i got a great idea about free classifieds in india
We are using olx, clickooz & quikr since 2015 , satisfactory results. Every small business owner should use classifieds to promote their business and products online.
Thanks Lalit! Great info for people new to India and all its exceptional opportunities.
Very useful article on me. It’ll help us to give free ads for various websites. Thank you Mr. Lalit Kumar
Hello! Lalit ji, as an owner of ddebi. I am very interested to your wonderful article because this article mentions only under the 80k Alexa rank and it gives us (owners of other free classified websites) enthusiasm to rank under 80k Alexa rank; specially to take a position in your article in future. Thank you for motivating.
Hello Debasis, all the best for your efforts! May the rank be with you! :-)
Nice list of classifieds
Interesting list. I used to post ads on all these websites. In my view – top 5 classified sites are olx, quikr, craigslist, clickooz & click.in. Khojle & jagran needs to improve their structure – services.
I found this article by searching google , thanks for providing so much valuable content. It helped me a lot in getting leads for my web development business.
Olx , Quikr & Clickooz are the best classified players in india. Most of my business leads comes from these classifieds without spending a dime.
I was just requesting because i have never seen good blog for tips & articles which is in hindi language.
New classified sites are coming up daily and lot of them are closing down too.
Yes, this is because it has become easy to launch a website. But making website a success is altogether a different story.
Thanks for providing this list . They are really helping small business owners to generate leads online with almost zero cost .
Hi, Lalit Sir
This is a good list. But indialist is a dead product from last 1 year. They are misguiding users, we can’t post ads there and other ads are also not working. Place some active site here.
Thank you for the feedback, Ashish. Do you have a good free classifieds website in mind that could be considered for replacement? The website must have an Alexa Rank of less than 80,000. Mostly people suggest me their own websites which I don’t take seriously.
Sir, you can replace it with adeex.in , adoos or clickooz. All of them have Alexa rank below 50k.
Thank you Ashish, I have replaced IndiaList with Clickooz. I also liked Adeex, will ad it to the list soon.
Thank u sir for updating list. It will be great if you can provide a hindi version for the articles.
It is an interesting request! I wonder why are you asking for Hindi version of TechWelkin articles?!
Thanks for sharing such a great info Lalith Kumar, we are hunting down Tutors for our site. These destinations are greatly valuable for me.
Thanks to Lalit Kumar for sharing great Classifieds list with us. I think Olx.in classifieds website is the best above list and also others.
Hmm classified sites are really useful for online marketing and promoting our businesses. And for a shopping site its very important to post their ads and offers or coupons.
i worked a lot to find an online job
you gave me the suitable answer
Thanks a lot
It’s better to search in top walkins, quikr, click india, and click.in for better opportunities.
Thanks Lalit Ji,
Happy to note that there are people like you who are helping all of us and saving lots of money in irrelevant media publications. Please do keep us informed, with what ever new you have. I have also prescribed for the newsletter. Great experience, reading this!!!
You’re welcome Parul ji!
Its great! Thanks for you sharing the top 10 free classified ads site in India. It is very useful for the people to buy and sell product in best way.
I have been posting my ads on most of these websites. Out of them OLX, Quikr and ClickIn are best.
Nice list sir …i have shared on all
There are many free classified ads wesites are available, But you have mentioned top listed among them , thanks for sharing.
Great Mr. Lalit Kumar for give this short and most classified website list in which PR of all website is best. Thanks and keep helping us like now.
Classified list is useful now-a-day. Gurgaonsaath is a one more business diretory site. We started free posting service directory and classifieds.
Classified list is useful. Sulekha is more like business directory instead of classifieds. They started with directory service and moved to mix of directory and classifieds. Even today it is more like directory.
lalit sir , this is good list of top 10 classifieds in india, but consider removing indialist as akshay also pointed the same issue in the comments. go once through indialist site , all ads are expired or dead.
Hi Rohit, thank you for your comment. Yes, I am aware that indialist is no longer updating ads. I am just waiting for a better classifieds website to replace it. As soon as I will find one, I will make the change. I hope you enjoyed TechWelkin.
Great List
Thanks nice list
remove indialist from the list as they are not providing services and all ads are posted 1 year ago, if you are making a blog provide some genuine content not just for sake of rankings and adsense income , and sulekha is multiportal not just only classifieds
Thank you for your feedback, Akshay. I will consider removing IndiaList from the list of best free classified online ad services. I will wait until I find a suitable replacement. Please let me know if you have a better replacement in mind. As for Sulekha, yes it is a portal, but nevertheless it is popular for classified ads.
I agree with your point but if only classifieds niche is considered , sulekha is multiportal. Indialist must be removed as they don’t deserve to be in top as they are not providing services. You can replace it with any other working portal like adoos.in , clickooz.com etc. They are providing good services.