There are tons of Android apps for torch light, flash light and LED light functions. But commonly people ask which is the FREE best app for torch flash? We explore the answer here.
Nowadays, all the smart phones are equipped with cameras and with camera comes a flash light. The same flash light can quickly be used as a torch when need to light up a dark area. All your mobile phone needs is an application that can control flash light and make it act as a torch.
Tiny Flashlight+LED is an app for smartphones based on Android operating system. It can be downloaded free of cost from Google Play Store. App developer, Nikolay Ananiev, has done a brilliant job and this is evident from millions of downloads and very high user rating.
Flash / Torch / LED Light: Turn on power and your mobile phone’s flash light will lit continuously until you switch it off
Strobe Light: Flash light will go in on and off mode with rapid successions. You can control the speed at which the light strobes.

Tiny Flashlight + LED is the best Torch light Android app out there.
Police Light: Your screen will flash in red and blue color light just like a beacon atop the police vehicle.
Text to Morse Code: This great feature allows you to type in a short text and the app will transmit the text in Morse code format by flashing camera flash light. Morse code is a language made of dashes and dots; if light remains on it means a dash and if light remains off it means a dot. The receiver will be able to decode message.
Warning Lights: Two yellow colored alternating lights lit up your phone’s screen.
Screen Light: An image of a electric bulb appears on screen. By swiping up and down, you can control brightness and by swiping sideways you can change color of the light emitting from your screen.
You can download this app from Google Play Store:
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Using an app called Torchie, just press both ‘volume buttons’ together to turn on/off torch anytime. It just works anytime, even when screen off (if enabled from Torchie Settings). It kinda make your phone feel like a conventional battery operated torch