Learn how to file an RTI application to seek information from the government authorities. You can file an online application or use a paper application form for filing. We are also including frequently asked questions related to this subject.

Learn how to file an RTI application to seek information from the government authorities. You can file an online application or use a paper application form for filing. We are also including frequently asked questions related to this subject.
Learn why online etiquette are important. Along with the definition, we are also listing tips and examples of common etiquette to be followed while using Internet facilities like email, Facebook, Twitter etc.
Learn the three golden rules of accounting with examples. These rules are often asked in job interviews as they make the double entry system of debit and credit much simpler to remember.
Learn what is Memorandum of Association and what are Articles of Association as per Companies Act. We will also highlight the key differences between MOA and AOA.
Answers for all your NGO registration related questions. These FAQs cover topics of registration as well as day to day functioning of an NGO.
Understand if a central / state government employee can become a trustee in a public charitable trust. Here we are explaining various relevant laws associated with this topic.
A number of people ask if it is possible to make a non-resident Indian a trustee in an Indian trust? Let’s explore what Indian Trusts Act 1882 says on this issue.
Learn the difference between a foundation and a trust or a society. NGOs can either be registered as trust, society or section 25 company.
Learn the meaning and origin of the idiom / phrase “When Chips Are Down”. The origin lies in the gambling world where plastic chips are used for money.
Digital Certificates are required in e-filing of Income Tax and e-tendering etc. Learn answers of FAQs on what is a digital certificate and how to get it in India.
Credit cards and debit cards have made financial transactions a lot easier. But at the same time, it is very important to keep your plastic money safe from theft and frauds. Learn how to avoid credit card frauds.
Are you a job seeker and planning to get a tattoo? Well, think again. Employers may not find your tattoo as cool as you may think.
As more and more individuals are wanting to self publish their books, questions about how to get ISBN number in India are increasingly being asked. Learn all the answers!
People often ask if a trustee can take salary/compensation from the trust fund. Find out what the relevant laws (Bombay Public Trusts Act 1950 and section 13 of Income Tax Act) have to say about it.
Know about the 80G registration process and how to get 80G Certificate and 12A Certificate to get tax exemption for the charitable trusts and societies (NGOs) in India. Income Tax department issues these certificates for tax exemption on donated money.