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Category: Computer

This category contains the following 13 articles.
Random Access Memory (RAM) chips.

Difference Between RAM and ROM

Learn the main differences between RAM and ROM. Random-access and Read-only memories differ from each other in speed, volatility and uses etc.


Connect PC with TV: Intel Wireless Display (WiDi)

Often we want to watch live streaming movies on our big TV screens. There are many methods of wiring a connection between computer and television set. Now Intel has come up with a wireless display technology. Daniel Ross reports.


Be Cloudier: How Cloud Computing Can Help You

Nowadays cloud computing service providers are gung-ho about how cloud can change the way we have been using computers. Saima Paakkonen tells you about how using clouds can help you PERSONALLY!

A laptop should be bought after proper research and consideration.

How to Buy a Laptop Computer

This guide helps you in deciding which computer you should buy. It presents all the key things that you need to consider before paying money for a computer.
