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Category: Google

This category contains the following 84 articles.
Accessibility option in Android settings

End Call by Pressing Power Button on Android Phone

You can end a call with power button on Android phones. It is easier to have a physical, hard and tactile button to disconnect call. Some people, especially the ones with shaking hands, find it difficult to get used to with touch screens.

Google keeps on updating its search algorithm.

Google Search Algorithm Updates

Updates in Google search algorithm affects the website traffic significantly. Recently updates like Panda, Penguin, Hummingbird etc. made bloggers nervous.

The largest collection of interesting facts about Google.

Google Facts: Amazing Trivia about Google

This is the largest collection of Google Facts! We have amazing trivia information about Google. There are hundreds of interesting pieces of information about the world’s biggest search engine that will make your jaw drop! Welcome to facts about Google!


Hide Photos and Videos in Mobile Phone

Privacy of digital material is a big concern nowadays. Learn how to secure photos and videos on your Android based smart mobile phone. You can easily put only-for-your-eyes material in a secret gallery.
