On Facebook, I often come across posts which say that a child is sick and his treatment will require a big amount of money. Then the post goes on to suggest that if you will share or like the post, Facebook will donate some money towards the treatment of that child.
I have seen a lot of my unsuspecting and innocent friends sharing such posts. Facebook users are easy target for such scams and hoaxes. People who don’t understand the functioning and nuances of the Internet, they feel drawn to “help” the sick child. Those who have small doubts about authenticity of such posts, even they end up sharing such posts thinking what’s the big deal in liking or sharing a post. Who knows it might actually help someone!
Let me tell you clearly, Facebook does not pay for likes or shares of a post. Mark Zuckerberg is a rich man, if he would want to help someone, he would do it through a charity. There is no mechanism in place through which a massive company like Facebook could pay directly for the treatment of a child in a nondescript town. Corporates donate for such causes, but they do it through charity organizations.
So, are such Facebook posts only a way to play with the emotions of people or making a fool out of them?
No! these Facebook posts often have a specific and ulterior motive. People create Facebook pages and they want to make their Facebook pages popular. In order to do so, some folks play dirty Internet tricks and they make such fake posts on their Facebook page. People begin to like their page just out of emotions thinking that they are helping a sick kid or a terminally ill elder person.

Posts asking you to like or share so that Facebook can contribute to the cost of treatment of the child are just hoaxes.
There are tons of fair methods of promoting your Facebook page. All you need is patience. Facebook pages do not get popular overnight. You should not give in to the temptation of using black hat tricks to get followers. Remember, there is no benefit of acquiring Facebook page followers if they do not like the concept of your page. If you’ll mislead people and trick them to follow your page, you may end up with high number of followers —but these fake followers will not engage with your page. I hope you understand that there is no point in having a crowd of followers who do not really follow what you post.
All in all, Facebook, Google, Microsoft, WhatsApp or Yahoo! do not pay for sharing or liking posts. If you come across such posts, do not share or like them. If you will, you may be unknowingly participating in the propagation of a hoax or scam. Facebook is already full of a number of such hoaxes (e.g. Facebook Color Changer and Graphic app hoax), please do not help them spread.
I hope this information was useful for you. If you have any question about this topic, please feel free to ask through the comments section. I will try my best to be of assistance. Thank you for using TechWelkin.
Thanks for your description. I have started my site and i was finding ways of being paid online. Fortunately I got your helpful site which has changed my mind. I thought i can earn using Facebook likes but you have solved this contradicting question.
What does this mean, people posting a video, say, showing you how to make some kind of dish. Do they get paid from Facebook when people just watching their videos?
I agree with you, but what is the point in making your Facebook page so popular? What’s in it for them? I am a Christian and I see so many posts like, if you love JESUS hit like and share. Also handicapped people, course they always make it a beautiful girl with one leg. I guess my question is what are they getting from all this. Thank you. Jeff
Thanks for the comment, Jeff. “They” get reach by increasing followers of their Facebook page. If their posts are being seen by millions of people, they have business in it. Some people do it for the sake of satisfying their ego that “look my posts reaches so many people”. Some other people will do it just for fun… and there are others who do it because they don’t have anything else to do!
This Should be shared on Facebook
Awesome article, you settled my query.