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Get Codes for Cool HTML Symbols and Greek Letters

Samyak Lalit | February 25, 2012 (Last update: July 31, 2017)

Samyak Lalit is an Indian author and disability rights activist. He is the principal author and founder of projects like TechWelkin, WeCapable, Viklangta, Kavita Kosh among many others.

At times, we all come across some fancy looking HTML symbols on web pages and social media channels like Facebook and Google+. And we wonder how these stylish HTML symbols were created. What we don’t realize at these times is that many of these symbols are from Greek alphabet for which HTML codes are available. In addition HTML also has codes for symbols like heart, spade, diamond, club and some mathematical symbols. I decided to put all these codes in one place for easy and quick reference.

Following is a list of special characters that can be used in webpages using HTML codes. Please ensure that you are using UTF-8 character set in order to correctly use these symbols. For this, just include the following line in the HEAD section of your webpage:

<meta http-equiv=”content-type” content=”text/html;charset=utf-8″ />

Description HTML code Decimal Hex Character
HTML Decimal Hex
Latin small f with hook = function = florin &fnof; &#402; &#x192; ƒ ƒ ƒ
Greek capital letter alpha &Alpha; &#913; &#x391; Α Α Α
Greek capital letter beta &Beta; &#914; &#x392; Β Β Β
Greek capital letter gamma &Gamma; &#915; &#x393; Γ Γ Γ
Greek capital letter delta &Delta; &#916; &#x394; Δ Δ Δ
Greek capital letter epsilon &Epsilon; &#917; &#x395; Ε Ε Ε
Greek capital letter zeta &Zeta; &#918; &#x396; Ζ Ζ Ζ
Greek capital letter eta &Eta; &#919; &#x397; Η Η Η
Greek capital letter theta &Theta; &#920; &#x398; Θ Θ Θ
Greek capital letter iota &Iota; &#921; &#x399; Ι Ι Ι
Greek capital letter kappa &Kappa; &#922; &#x39A; Κ Κ Κ
Greek capital letter lambda &Lambda; &#923; &#x39B; Λ Λ Λ
Greek capital letter mu &Mu; &#924; &#x39C; Μ Μ Μ
Greek capital letter nu &Nu; &#925; &#x39D; Ν Ν Ν
Greek capital letter xi &Xi; &#926; &#x39E; Ξ Ξ Ξ
Greek capital letter omicron &Omicron; &#927; &#x39F; Ο Ο Ο
Greek capital letter pi &Pi; &#928; &#x3A0; Π Π Π
Greek capital letter rho &Rho; &#929; &#x3A1; Ρ Ρ Ρ
Greek capital letter sigma &Sigma; &#931; &#x3A3; Σ Σ Σ
Greek capital letter tau &Tau; &#932; &#x3A4; Τ Τ Τ
Greek capital letter upsilon &Upsilon; &#933; &#x3A5; Υ Υ Υ
Greek capital letter phi &Phi; &#934; &#x3A6; Φ Φ Φ
Greek capital letter chi &Chi; &#935; &#x3A7; Χ Χ Χ
Greek capital letter psi &Psi; &#936; &#x3A8; Ψ Ψ Ψ
Greek capital letter omega &Omega; &#937; &#x3A9; Ω Ω Ω
Greek small letter alpha &alpha; &#945; &#x3B1; α α α
Greek small letter beta &beta; &#946; &#x3B2; β β β
Greek small letter gamma &gamma; &#947; &#x3B3; γ γ γ
Greek small letter delta &delta; &#948; &#x3B4; δ δ δ
Greek small letter epsilon &epsilon; &#949; &#x3B5; ε ε ε
Greek small letter zeta &zeta; &#950; &#x3B6; ζ ζ ζ
Greek small letter eta &eta; &#951; &#x3B7; η η η
Greek small letter theta &theta; &#952; &#x3B8; θ θ θ
Greek small letter iota &iota; &#953; &#x3B9; ι ι ι
Greek small letter kappa &kappa; &#954; &#x3BA; κ κ κ
Greek small letter lambda &lambda; &#955; &#x3BB; λ λ λ
Greek small letter mu &mu; &#956; &#x3BC; μ μ μ
Greek small letter nu &nu; &#957; &#x3BD; ν ν ν
Greek small letter xi &xi; &#958; &#x3BE; ξ ξ ξ
Greek small letter omicron &omicron; &#959; &#x3BF; ο ο ο
Greek small letter pi &pi; &#960; &#x3C0; π π π
Greek small letter rho &rho; &#961; &#x3C1; ρ ρ ρ
Greek small letter final sigma &sigmaf; &#962; &#x3C2; ς ς ς
Greek small letter sigma &sigma; &#963; &#x3C3; σ σ σ
Greek small letter tau &tau; &#964; &#x3C4; τ τ τ
Greek small letter upsilon &upsilon; &#965; &#x3C5; υ υ υ
Greek small letter phi &phi; &#966; &#x3C6; φ φ φ
Greek small letter chi &chi; &#967; &#x3C7; χ χ χ
Greek small letter psi &psi; &#968; &#x3C8; ψ ψ ψ
Greek small letter omega &omega; &#969; &#x3C9; ω ω ω
Greek small letter theta symbol &thetasym; &#977; &#x3D1; ϑ ϑ ϑ
Greek upsilon with hook symbol &upsih; &#978; &#x3D2; ϒ ϒ ϒ
Greek pi symbol &piv; &#982; &#x3D6; ϖ ϖ ϖ
bullet = black small circle &bull; &#8226; &#x2022;
horizontal ellipsis = three dot leader &hellip; &#8230; &#x2026;
prime = minutes = feet &prime; &#8242; &#x2032;
double prime = seconds = inches &Prime; &#8243; &#x2033;
overline = spacing overscore &oline; &#8254; &#x203E;
fraction slash &frasl; &#8260; &#x2044;
script capital P = power set = Weierstrass p &weierp; &#8472; &#x2118;
blackletter capital I = imaginary part &image; &#8465; &#x2111;
blackletter capital R = real part symbol &real; &#8476; &#x211C;
trade mark sign &trade; &#8482; &#x2122;
alef symbol = first transfinite cardinal &alefsym; &#8501; &#x2135;
leftwards arrow &larr; &#8592; &#x2190;
upwards arrow &uarr; &#8593; &#x2191;
rightwards arrow &rarr; &#8594; &#x2192;
downwards arrow &darr; &#8595; &#x2193;
left right arrow &harr; &#8596; &#x2194;
downwards arrow with corner leftwards = carriage return &crarr; &#8629; &#x21B5;
leftwards double arrow &lArr; &#8656; &#x21D0;
upwards double arrow &uArr; &#8657; &#x21D1;
rightwards double arrow &rArr; &#8658; &#x21D2;
downwards double arrow &dArr; &#8659; &#x21D3;
left right double arrow &hArr; &#8660; &#x21D4;
for all &forall; &#8704; &#x2200;
partial differential &part; &#8706; &#x2202;
there exists &exist; &#8707; &#x2203;
empty set = null set = diameter &empty; &#8709; &#x2205;
nabla = backward difference &nabla; &#8711; &#x2207;
element of &isin; &#8712; &#x2208;
not an element of &notin; &#8713; &#x2209;
contains as member &ni; &#8715; &#x220B;
n-ary product = product sign &prod; &#8719; &#x220F;
n-ary sumation &sum; &#8721; &#x2211;
minus sign &minus; &#8722; &#x2212;
asterisk operator &lowast; &#8727; &#x2217;
square root = radical sign &radic; &#8730; &#x221A;
proportional to &prop; &#8733; &#x221D;
infinity &infin; &#8734; &#x221E;
angle &ang; &#8736; &#x2220;
logical and = wedge &and; &#8743; &#x2227;
logical or = vee &or; &#8744; &#x2228;
intersection = cap &cap; &#8745; &#x2229;
union = cup &cup; &#8746; &#x222A;
integral &int; &#8747; &#x222B;
therefore &there4; &#8756; &#x2234;
tilde operator = varies with = similar to &sim; &#8764; &#x223C;
approximately equal to &cong; &#8773; &#x2245;
almost equal to = asymptotic to &asymp; &#8776; &#x2248;
not equal to &ne; &#8800; &#x2260;
identical to &equiv; &#8801; &#x2261;
less-than or equal to &le; &#8804; &#x2264;
greater-than or equal to &ge; &#8805; &#x2265;
subset of &sub; &#8834; &#x2282;
superset of &sup; &#8835; &#x2283;
not a subset of &nsub; &#8836; &#x2284;
subset of or equal to &sube; &#8838; &#x2286;
superset of or equal to &supe; &#8839; &#x2287;
circled plus = direct sum &oplus; &#8853; &#x2295;
circled times = vector product &otimes; &#8855; &#x2297;
up tack = orthogonal to = perpendicular &perp; &#8869; &#x22A5;
dot operator &sdot; &#8901; &#x22C5;
left ceiling = APL upstile &lceil; &#8968; &#x2308;
right ceiling &rceil; &#8969; &#x2309;
left floor = APL downstile &lfloor; &#8970; &#x230A;
right floor &rfloor; &#8971; &#x230B;
left-pointing angle bracket = bra &lang; &#9001; &#x2329;
right-pointing angle bracket = ket &rang; &#9002; &#x232A;
lozenge &loz; &#9674; &#x25CA;
black spade suit &spades; &#9824; &#x2660;
black club suit = shamrock &clubs; &#9827; &#x2663;
black heart suit = valentine &hearts; &#9829; &#x2665;
black diamond suit &diams; &#9830; &#x2666;

So, which one of these cool HTML symbols did you like and use on your website? Many of them are actually pretty useful and can replace small icon images. For example, to display a “Close” button I often use ⊗ symbol in the top right corner of the box. This saves browser from downloading an icon image file.

Do let me know if you face any problem in this regard. Thank you for using TechWelkin.


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