Playing appropriate movie clip during presentation is a great way to convey your idea/thoughts to audience. Learn how to insert/embed a movie or video clip on PowerPoint presentation slide.

Playing appropriate movie clip during presentation is a great way to convey your idea/thoughts to audience. Learn how to insert/embed a movie or video clip on PowerPoint presentation slide.
A high number of Facebook users use FB message inbox to exchange messages and to chat. But not all of them are aware of the Other folder. Learn what this folder is and why it is important.
If you are wondering why same or similar Google ads are appearing on all the websites in your computer, well, the answer is interest based targeting by AdSense publishers.
Facebook users often worry over disappeared FB posts. Learn about the reason of posts disappearance and where to locate them.
MySQL slow query log records sql statements that are taking too much time to execute. Enabling and analyzing of this log can be very helpful in knowing the cause of slow mysql server.
Continuing from previous part, this article gives you a few tips on enhancing apache performance in a bid to sort out slow MediaWiki. Learn how to speed-up MediaWiki installation.
Where is httpd.conf located? How to find this file? Well, depending upon operating systems and users preferences, the location of apache configuration file, httpd.conf, may vary of different machines. Learn how to find location of httpd.conf in a jiffy.
MediaWiki is a complex and heavy application. If not configured well, it may begin to run (very) slow as the size of website and traffic increases. This tutorial charts out how to optimize MediaWiki installation to enhance performance and make it run faster.
Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) is not only a cost effective way of communication, it can also boost overall efficiency of a small and medium business. Stella Wilson tells you how.
VoIP apps are very popular among internet users to make phone calls. Mariam Thomas lists six voice over IP (VoIP) applications that have user-friendly interface on Apple iPhone.
Facebook provides option of memorializing / freezing account of a user who is no more. A friend or a relative of the deceased person can approach Facebook for this.
When and if you choose to install a VoIP system, it is recommended to do an analysis of how much bandwidth you require in your setup. Stella Wilson elaborates for TechWelkin.
Often we want to watch live streaming movies on our big TV screens. There are many methods of wiring a connection between computer and television set. Now Intel has come up with a wireless display technology. Daniel Ross reports.
Google has played an elaborate April Fool prank by announcing that YouTube was going to shutdown today. They said that the service was nothing but a long competition to select best ever video.
Learn how to take a backup your Facebook posts, photos and other information. Facebook allows you to download all the data that belongs to you.