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Category: Social Media

This category contains the following 91 articles.
Menu showing the Embed Post link

How to Embed and Include Tweets in a Webpage

Including or citing Twitter content in webpages is important for many websites. Twitter provides an easy way. Learn the steps you need to follow in order to embed a tweet in your webpage.

Timestamp on a Facebook comment.

Permanent Link for Facebook Comment

Learn how to copy and paste a direct link to a Facebook comment. Now FB provides a unique link to each and every comment posted of various posts.


Properly Citing Tweets in Publications

Considering the popularity of Twitter it is not surprising to see more and more publications are nowadays citing tweets. Learn about the correct way of making such citations.


Facebook Guidelines on Timeline Cover Image

Many Facebook users wonder about how to make a good cover photo. Are there any guidelines available for creating a good Facebook cover picture? Yes, Facebook has recommended some guidelines that your profile or page cover image should follow.


Infographics on Facts about Twitter

Twitter has turned 6 years old. This microblogging service was created by Jack Dorsey in March 2006 and launched in July the same year. Learn about a few facts based on Twitter’s state in 2011

Mark Zuckerberg announced Facebook topping one billion users mark.

Why is Facebook Down in India?

Facebook users in India woke up for a nasty surprise this morning. The website has been blocked by the government as a court trial begins against the social network and 11 other companies.
