Yet another hoax on Facebook! Message saying “Graphic App” makes your private stuff public is untrue. Moreover, this hoax, in fact, harms your FB experience.

Yet another hoax on Facebook! Message saying “Graphic App” makes your private stuff public is untrue. Moreover, this hoax, in fact, harms your FB experience.
Truth about a Facebook hoax. A chain letter regarding intellectual property copyright of material posted on FB wall is nowadays doing round. It’s nothing but a hoax.
Learn all about Sticker Store for Facebook. FB Strickers emoticons have been added to the website chat. More icons are available through FB Sticker Store.
Use this easy utility to quickly find number of likes and other Facebook statistics for a given URL (web address). The information is latest and straight from FB database.
In the virtual world of Facebook, people keep adding and removing friends from their list. Learn about top reasons why FB users unfriend someone from their list.
Too much use of online social networking, like Facebook, could well turn you into an ill person. Think of remedies and create balance between real and virtual life.
A high number of Facebook users use FB message inbox to exchange messages and to chat. But not all of them are aware of the Other folder. Learn what this folder is and why it is important.
Facebook users often worry over disappeared FB posts. Learn about the reason of posts disappearance and where to locate them.
Facebook provides option of memorializing / freezing account of a user who is no more. A friend or a relative of the deceased person can approach Facebook for this.
Learn how to take a backup your Facebook posts, photos and other information. Facebook allows you to download all the data that belongs to you.
Learn how to delete your FB account. You should first consider deactivating it and taking a backup of Facebook data. Learn all this and more in this article.
Facebook’s feature of account deactivation is very useful if you want to temporarily suspend your account and spend some time away from FB. You can reactivate your account anytime.
Facebook has introduced the wheel icon for popping up the options menu. Also it has added a new dropdown menu called Privacy Shortcuts to make privacy options easier to access.
Learn best of the tips to promote your Facebook page. These are the time-tested methods of popularizing a Facebook page that every FB page owner should know about. Read the article and be popular.
We are running a survey to understand a few things about what users think about Facebook and how they connect with the world’s largest social network.