Facebook Color Changer is a malware program that steals your access credentials. You should not fall prey to this scam. Facebook is blue. Accept it!

Facebook Color Changer is a malware program that steals your access credentials. You should not fall prey to this scam. Facebook is blue. Accept it!
Mark Zuckerberg suffers from red/green colorblindness. This is why he gave Facebook a blue color based design. This color scheme has never changed so far. Know more about Zuckerberg and red-green colorblindness.
If you get a message saying “Check this new Amazing and updated emoticons for Facebook”, you should avoid it. It is yet another FB scam. Facebook is getting full of such frauds.
Shortcut or access keys are faster way to use your Twitter account. These keys replace mouse clicks. You would not need to use computer mouse while tweeting. Learn about these keys and their functions to help yourself to a quicker Twitter.
Facebook (FB) provides shortcut keys (access keys) for easier and faster navigation through keyboard. Using shortcut keys can save you time on Facebook.
Watch funniest video jokes on Narendra Modi, Rahul Gandhi and Arvind Kejriwal. These best of election spoofs are trending and going viral on social media.
So, you are wondering how much money does Mark Zuckerberg make one second or in a day or may be in one year! Here I give you all the details of Facebook founder’s salary, perks, stocks and overall earning.
Are you wondering why your Facebook Like button counter has stopped at 1k? Well, there is a simple reason, explanation and solution for this. Lets get it!
Interesting facts about Suhail Rizvi, the elusive man who earned billions of dollars from Twitter IPO. Rizvi currently owns over 15% share in Twitter.
Now it is possible to embed any Facebook (FB) post into a blog post or any other web page. Just like Twitter, Facebook also now provides a code to insert post anywhere.
Ever wonder about the font name that is used in Facebook logo? Read this article and get to know the font and the story behind the creation of FB logo.
Five things that you should never publicly share on social networking websites, including Facebook. These are sensitive pieces of information which can compromise your account security.
To enhance engagement among its users, Facebook has launched a new feature called “On This Day”. It displays information on status updates by you and your friends years ago exactly on the present date.
Find the date of creation of a Facebook profile or page. Learn a method of finding when a profile or page was created on Facebook.
Criminals have been using websites like Facebook to find potential victims. Go through our guide on Safety on Facebook for women. Be careful and be safe.