“Last seen” in WhatsApp is a breach of privacy. Now it is possible to hide, disable and stop it from informing your friends. Learn how to hide it.

“Last seen” in WhatsApp is a breach of privacy. Now it is possible to hide, disable and stop it from informing your friends. Learn how to hide it.
If you’re using Windows, this tip can save you time if you want to make a list of all the files present in a folder. DIR command of MS-DOS comes handy.
WordPress Mobile Pack (WMP) harm your blog’s search engine traffic because to duplicate content issue. Learn how to remove this plug-in and its unwanted effects.
Learn how to search and view unread emails ONLY from Primary tab in Gmail inbox. Google rolled out tabs feature to automatically sort emails in various categories.
With link spam becoming a menace it is important for everyone, especially those who are not tech savvy, to be educated in basic link safety tips. Learn how to easily determine if a web link (URL) is bad without clicking it.
Learn solution of Google Chrome Unicode problem. It causes bold face characters of non-English fonts (like Hindi fonts) to appear overlapping.
Learn how to Increase and double up sound volume coming from your laptop speakers using VLC, a free media player software. What’s more, you would not need to change your speakers or sound card.
Learn methods of taking screenshots. Screen capture can be easily done using Print Screen (PrintScrn) key and using Snipping Tool in Windows.
Fax Zero is an online service that allows you send free fax. They would, however, in free plan, show an ad on the cover page.
Learn what to do when the wrapper div does not automatically expand according to the height of the inside DIV element.
Learn to quickly type circular text in Photoshop. If fact, using this technique, you can write text molded around several shapes.
Widget from AddThis social bookmarking service may slow down your website. Learn how to speed up the slow loading AddThis widget / plugin by using the asynchronous (async) mode of JavaScript.
Learn about the pros and cons of using services like fonts.com if you want to use stylish commercial fonts on your website
More graph patterns for expressing your love. Courtesy Dasmos’ A Better Calculator
We all tend to keep on accepting friend requests on Facebook. But soon we realize that many of these FB friends are unwanted. Learn how to unfriend and delete more than one or all Facebook friends easy and fast. Unclutter your FB friend list quickly at once.