Digital Certificates are required in e-filing of Income Tax and e-tendering etc. Learn answers of FAQs on what is a digital certificate and how to get it in India.

Digital Certificates are required in e-filing of Income Tax and e-tendering etc. Learn answers of FAQs on what is a digital certificate and how to get it in India.
Email spam is a nuisance. Even the unsubscribe link / button is being used for stealing information by phishing. Be aware and be safe from such frauds.
Responsive Web Design is the new hot topic in blogging world. Learn answers to frequently asked questions before you decide to redesign your website or blog.
Are you looking for online tools that can test your website’s design on various types of devices, screen sizes and screen resolutions? Well, it is important to check if your website is responsive. Website should be able to automatically adjust content to make it easily readable on different devices and screens. Let’s learn about a few free online services to test website responsiveness.
If you’re using Windows, this tip can save you time if you want to make a list of all the files present in a folder. DIR command of MS-DOS comes handy.
Filling dummy sample text as placeholder in an MS-Word document is a very common requirement. Learn how to use rand & lorem functions to insert text easily.
For many people it is useful if open the most recently used document automatically opens when they launch MS-Word. It’s easy enough to do, let’s see how.
Learn how to quickly move to the most recent (last) location in an MS-Word document where you were editing. SHIFT+F5 key combination can help you.
MS-Word has a feature that enables you to hold more than one data pieces in clipboard and then paste all of them in one go. This is cut paste extended!
CDMA an GSM are mobile communication standards. Let’s know about the main differences among mobile phones based on these two industry standards. Also learn the full form of CDMA, full form of GSM and full form SIM in context of the mobile phones.
Learn how to type, insert or add the Indian Rupee (indicated as INR or Rs) symbol in HTML, MS Word, Excel or text document using Unicode. You can add Indian currency Unicode symbol on computers with Indic language support.
Microsoft Word allows you to make text selection in any rectangular arbitrary block. You can use this technique to select a vertical area.
Getting 404 error because of missing Author Page in WordPress websites is a common nuisance. Let’s understand the problem and learn the solution. It’s easy!
Are you wondering why your Facebook Like button counter has stopped at 1k? Well, there is a simple reason, explanation and solution for this. Lets get it!
Google penalize websites that it feels violate norms of quality content. Such a penalty can decrease your search traffic. Learn if you’ve been punished!