Facebook has introduced the wheel icon for popping up the options menu. Also it has added a new dropdown menu called Privacy Shortcuts to make privacy options easier to access.

Facebook has introduced the wheel icon for popping up the options menu. Also it has added a new dropdown menu called Privacy Shortcuts to make privacy options easier to access.
Learn best of the tips to promote your Facebook page. These are the time-tested methods of popularizing a Facebook page that every FB page owner should know about. Read the article and be popular.
We are running a survey to understand a few things about what users think about Facebook and how they connect with the world’s largest social network.
Facebook has announced that now people can create couples or relationship pages. Couples Pages will combine all the updates and photos shared by the partners.
More than one billion users of Facebook have been wishing for a few features since long. Amit Wraj presents his wishlist for Facebook 2013. We are certain that this wishlist reflects wishes of a billion.
Facebook Stories has unveiled a new data visualization that shows how photos go viral on Facebook. It uses the example of photos shared by George Takei.
Now if you can pay, you can reach more and more people on Facebook by promoting your updates or Page posts. Promoted updates stay higher up in news feed for longer time.
Facebook has achieved yet another milestone. Now the largest social network has more than one billion active users. Mark Zuckerberg announced yesterday.
More often than not we can’t help changing URL of a webpage that has been there for quite sometime. However, change in URL wipes off your Facebook Like count.
Accepting an app request on Facebook is easy and most people accept such requests with open arms. Too many apps. however, can become headache. Learn how to remove apps that you don’t need.
Now you can upload files in Facebook groups. You can also upload revision of an existing file. All the revisions will remain available to the FB group members.
With the help Profile Review mechanism on Facebook, now you can review the tagged material before it appears on your wall. This helps you in keeping your wall clean.
Inserting line break in long Facebook comments makes your comment easy-to-read. Learn how to make nicely paragraphed comments in Facebook.
TechWelkin brings you information about Priscilla Chan who recently married to Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg
Frequently asked questions about Facebook video calling (video chatting) feature. Learn how to make video calls on Facebook.