TRAI has a portal to inform telephone users about their status in the National Do Not Disturb (DND) Registry. After registering in DND, use this website to confirm your status.

TRAI has a portal to inform telephone users about their status in the National Do Not Disturb (DND) Registry. After registering in DND, use this website to confirm your status.
Is it possible to remove tabs from Gmail? Learn how to remove tabs from the Gmail inbox. You can remove (or add) social, promotion, updates and forums tabs in your Gmail account.
Learn how to open and display a link in a new tab in your browser. This can be done using both HTML (Link) as well as JavaScript (Button), according to your requirement.
Learn how to hide Feedjit widget but still keep on using Live Feedjit to track website traffic. There is also no need to change Feedjit code.
With link spam becoming a menace it is important for everyone, especially those who are not tech savvy, to be educated in basic link safety tips. Learn how to easily determine if a web link (URL) is bad without clicking it.
Learn how to format a date field in MS-Word while doing Mail Merge. You can easily have the date formatted as you wish using field codes and switches.
Find the date of creation of a Facebook profile or page. Learn a method of finding when a profile or page was created on Facebook.
Web developers often want to give different CSS style to alternate (even or odd) items in a UL or OL HTML lists. Learn how to do this with or without jQuery.
Playing appropriate movie clip during presentation is a great way to convey your idea/thoughts to audience. Learn how to insert/embed a movie or video clip on PowerPoint presentation slide.
Learn how to delete your FB account. You should first consider deactivating it and taking a backup of Facebook data. Learn all this and more in this article.
Facebook’s feature of account deactivation is very useful if you want to temporarily suspend your account and spend some time away from FB. You can reactivate your account anytime.
At times, one wishes to change their default browser but does not know how to do so. Learn how to set or change browsers like Firefox, Chrome or Internet Explorer as default.
Learn how to force a DIV element to let text wrap text around itself. By default DIV element takes up all the width available to it. But CSS property “float” can help us.
Search engines love short and clean URLs. Learn how to change default MediaWiki URLs into short URLs while keeping the default URLs also functional. The solution works using .htaccess and LocalSettings.php files.
Facebook allows users to have an alternative name along with their real official name. Alternative name appears in grey color inside brackets right next to the real name.