Learn the legal use of various Trademark Symbols, differences among trademark, registered trademark and copyright symbols. Also learn how to type trademark sign in MS Word, Apple Mac and HTML websites.

Learn the legal use of various Trademark Symbols, differences among trademark, registered trademark and copyright symbols. Also learn how to type trademark sign in MS Word, Apple Mac and HTML websites.
Learn how to type degree symbol in MS Word, Excel, HTML and Unicode. Inserting degree sign in documents is often required while typing temperatures, angles, coordinates etc.
Learn to create strikethrough shortcut key for MS Word, MS Excel, MS Outlook etc. Microsoft doesn’t provide any built-in key combination for the strike through command.
Copyright symbol © can be easily typed and inserted in MS Word, MS Excel, Windows Notepad, Apple Mac, HTML, JavaScript and plain text etc. Learn how to type it this symbol of legal importance to protect your intellectual property.
Learn how to insert code snippets with syntax highlights in an MS Word document. This method will preserve the color coding and inserted code blocks will be much easier to maintain.
It is easy to change default font style, size, color etc. in all the MS Word documents. You can edit normal.dot template file with the click of a button.
Want to get rid of comments section on your WordPress based website? Learn how to remove comments section from all or few posts and pages in your WordPress Genesis installation. You can choose to remove or just hide comments from your WP site.
Learn how to remove red / green underlines showing spelling and grammar mistakes in an MS Word document. These zigzag lines show errors. You can remove all the error indicating lines in one go for a particular document.
If s0.wp.com and s1.wp.com are not working or are too slow, your website will also be sluggish. These are WordPress servers, learn how to get around the problem of slow response time. It’s is important from the viewpoint of visitors as well as search engines (SEO).
Learn if there is a correlation between WordPress permalink structure and the performance of WP based websites. There used to be concern about WordPress database search but the problem seem to have been solved in latest versions of WordPress.
If you have to press key two times for typing double or single quotes (and keys like tilde), you need to change keyboard layout. Here are the steps!
Learn how to delete a document or file from your computer. The steps are same for deleting any kind of file including Microsoft Word document. Process is almost same for both PCs (Windows) and Mac.
Sometimes we need to transpose (invert or reverse) a table in MS Word. Learn how to change columns into rows and rows into columns of Microsoft Word table. It can be done with the help of MS Excel.
Get rid of horizontal line that automatically appears when you type dashes (hyphens) and press enter key. Learn to remove it and permanently deactivate it.
Know how to remove the automatic “p” (paragraph) tag from around the output of WordPress functions like the_excerpt, the_content and categories & tags.