Learn how to export the entire list of your Gmail contacts into a single file. Such files are sometimes required by other data processing applications.

Learn how to export the entire list of your Gmail contacts into a single file. Such files are sometimes required by other data processing applications.
Now you can upload files in Facebook groups. You can also upload revision of an existing file. All the revisions will remain available to the FB group members.
Learn how to install run and use Google IME to type in Hindi and many other Indian and foreign languages. GoogleIME is a free and easy to use typing tool that has enabled millions of people for typing in their mother languages. It is no longer necessary to stick to English on computer.
During software installation you sometimes need to know the bit count of your Windows operating system. Learn how to find it out.
When Matt Cutts speaks webmasters in the whole world listen. Many of you might not know who is Matt Cutts. But if you are an informed webmaster –you must be knowing. Cutts is currently the Head of Google’s Webspam team. He is a key technical player who determines the quality of Google’s search. So, what […]
With the help Profile Review mechanism on Facebook, now you can review the tagged material before it appears on your wall. This helps you in keeping your wall clean.
Inserting line break in long Facebook comments makes your comment easy-to-read. Learn how to make nicely paragraphed comments in Facebook.
A small presentation about how a Gmail message travels when you click Send button. It is part of Google’s advertisement campaign on its green initiative.
With Twitter’s support, the Do Not Track option is expected to gain popularity. Other bigwigs may also feel forced to honor Do Not Track option.
Do Not Track is an option that empowers website visitor with the choice of disallowing tracking by the website owner. However, the success of this option depends on the willingness of website owners.
Learn how to use Presenter View in Microsoft PowerPoint. It is a feature that can greatly help you in delivering a better presentation. You can also see your Speaker Notes in this view.
TechWelkin brings you information about Priscilla Chan who recently married to Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg
An infographic that gives amusing information about lost mobile phones. Cell phones worth billions of dollars are lost around the globe every year.
With the arrival of new profile design in Google Plus -many people have been trying to know the new Google+ cover photo size. And also how to use animated GIF images as profile cover images. But most of them fail. Know why…
Take a journey through the life and achievements of Prof. Stephen Hawking. His remarkable life and monumental achievements serve as an inspiration. The article is complete with an interesting infographic.