You can change hot keys for input method tools like Google IME, Microsoft IME and Baraha. Here are step by step instructions for enabling and changing key combinations for input languages in Windows 7 and Windows Vista.

You can change hot keys for input method tools like Google IME, Microsoft IME and Baraha. Here are step by step instructions for enabling and changing key combinations for input languages in Windows 7 and Windows Vista.
We all tend to keep on accepting friend requests on Facebook. But soon we realize that many of these FB friends are unwanted. Learn how to unfriend and delete more than one or all Facebook friends easy and fast. Unclutter your FB friend list quickly at once.
Many people feel perplexed about square bar codes seen in adverts. Learn how to create, read and use QR codes to easily convey key information.
Be the keyboard warrior while working on MS Word documents! Learn the shortcut keys and see yourself working much faster.
Google can create a mathematics based heart shape for your beloved Valentine. Google search can actually plot any mathematics equation on a graph. Impress your love!
Such Facebook spam can compromise your computer’s and your account’s safety. Know what to do if you have clicked a spam message on Facebook.
Steps to be followed when you want to upgrade your MediaWiki installation to the latest version.
Amazon Kindle Fire verses Apple iPad. See a comparative study to help you make decision oh which one you should buy. Kindle Fire is not an iPad killer!
Second part: Electronic communication is very fast and presents the need of learning a new set of communication etiquette. This article lists a few of the basic mantras to do effective and matured email exchange.
Finally Google has admitted that it has a secret lab where they research about “shoot-for-the-stars” ideas. Find out more about this lab called Google X.
Learn the basics of effective and matured email exchange. It is important to know the etiquette of email conversation in the present day digital era.
Google has created great products. But there have been instances when Google’s innovation and business tactic failed to make a mark. Read this list of failed products from Google and see how many of these you know about!
Learn the difference between society and charitable trust in India. I present a trust vs society comparison of NGOs so that you can easily decide which one is better for your social work.
List of 12 carefully selected Firefox add-ons (extensions) that helps in development of websites. These add-ons make a must have pack for web developers.
Simple method of removing extra spaces from MS Word documents. You can remove extra spaces both of the leading and the trailing ones.